Micropower SC11 24/40
The battery charger range comes in two variants for each power class, lithium-ion with CAN Bus communication, and traditional batteries. The charger series features an optimized air flow and coating and has a high-power factor and high efficiency.
Micropower SC features the new Micropower product design. The design incorporates simple installation and easy configuration via Near-Field Communication (NFC) technology and the GET app.
The traditional battery variants comes with maximum flexibility including multiple charging curves and a wide range of capacity settings.
235 x 150 x 90
Safe Disconnect
All our industrial High Frequency battery chargers will automatically start when the battery charger is connected to the battery. Likewise it will automatically stop when the charger is disconnected. This option eliminates the risk of sparks when disconnecting the battery charger.
Step file
MICROPOWER SC8-SC13 - 3D model [STEP file]
EnclosureProduct brochure
MICROPOWER SC - Product Brochure
Business segmentMICROPOWER SC - User manual 'multi-language version' (pdf)
Stationary battery charger (Lead-acid), A02751 rev03, Print PN 6515155, released August 2023MICROPOWER SC8-SC13 - Wall bracket bottom drawing
MP037 Overview and dimensionsCollection
MICROPOWER SC - User manual
Battery charger (Lead-acid)MICROPOWER SC - User manual
Battery charger (Li-ion)