Micropower Group AB

Idavägen 1
352 46 Växjö

+46(0) 470 72 74 00


Micropower Support Center

BBC - Best Battery Choice

Select the best battery available in your battery charging room

orange line

Make sure that you use all your batteries in the most efficient way possible - automatically. 


Extend Battery Life

Maximize battery charging room efficiency and extend battery life through proper changing and rotation into your fleet with Best Battery Choice (BBC). Naturally, operators often turn to the batteries that are convenient and easily accessible. With a battery exchange system function, such as BBC, operators will get a direct information about the best battery choice available. This will optimize your battery fleet and ensure that no battery is worn out prematurely or not used enough.

  • Visualize the best battery choice in any given situation
  • Optimal usage of entire battery fleet
  • Maximize battery lifetime

See all Battery Chargers

A battery charging system for forklifts at work.


Connect and Communicate

Easiest way to know which battery to use? Have a system doing it for you.  When entering a battery charging room your operators will see exactly what battery that is ready to be used. A prioritating system starts when activating BBC, and tell the operators which battery to use based on the battery's state of charge.

  • Available in all Micropower's Access and Lion battery chargers
  • Smart algorithms 
  • Wireless wihtout any additional hardware

Read more about Technology

Engineers in a meeting at a conference table with laptops and mobile.


Best Battery Choice - the Natural Choice

We have been setting up charging rooms for businesses of all sizes for decades, from global corporations with several sites to local warehouses with a single charging room and an exchange system. A system, like Best Battery Choice is, and should always be:

  • Easy to use and logical for operators
  • Run automatically without need for interferance
  • Optimize your battery fleet and decrease cost

Read more about Applications

A man in yellow protection clothing working with GET Fleet management system
An employee at Micropower drives a forklift


Can’t Find a Solution For Your Application?

We know that a standard product is not always the best answer. We have a long history of creating custom solutions and products. If you can’t find a battery charging system for your application – contact us.

Contact us!

Picture of Tomas Sturesson, Global Product Manager for Software and Solutions, Micropower Group
Tomas Sturesson

Global Product Manager - Software and Solutions


News & Updates

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