Micropower Group AB

Gullhallavägen 20C
352 50 Växjö

+46(0) 470 72 74 00


Micropower Support Center

Take part of the world of Micropower in our December campaign

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December is here and Christmas is approaching. Join us and take part in our December campaign - every day until December 24.
Micropower Group Christmas Calendar 2023
During December, Micropower will publish a video, every day, on our social media channels. Each video comes with a Christmas greeting from one of our colleagues around the world.

Get the opportunity to visit our battery factory and meet our dedicated salespeople. Meet our colleagues from both production and quality, and hear how Micropower takes on the work with sustainability and circular product design.

Welcome to Micropower's December calendar. We send a greeting, from us, to you, every day until December 24. You can find the videos on Micropower's accounts on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Contattaci oggi

Ti interessa la transizione verso soluzioni energetiche sostenibili?
Vuoi saperne di più su batterie, caricatori o convertitori di potenza?
Il nostro team dedicato di esperti è pronto ad assisterti.