Micropower Group AB

Gullhallavägen 20C
352 50 Växjö

+46(0) 470 72 74 00


Micropower Support Center


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Path 14

Chair of the board

Per Nordgren

Per has a long career leading industrial companies on global growth journeys and served as the CEO of Hägglunds Drives up until 2009. Since 2009, Per is active as an industrial adviser and currently serves as Chairman of the board in Rototilt, Scanacon, Hydroware and as a member of the board of Karnell.

Board Member

Johan Pernvi

Johan is a Partner with Polaris Private Equity and responsible for Polaris investment in Micropower. Johan has extensive experience from private equity investments and board assignments in the industrial goods sector, having served on the boards of Ewellix, Ovako, Logstor, DIAB and Mobile Climate Control.

Board Member

Daniel Westberg

Daniel has extensive experience from leading engineering focused companies within the industrial goods sector. Daniel spent over 15 years in leading positions within the SKF Group and recently served as the CEO of Ewellix.

Board Member

Mikael Forslund

Mikael has a long career of leadership position in industrial companies in Sweden and abroad, amongst others as CEO of Andritz AB. Mikael currently holds the position as CEO of Elof Hansson Group.

Board Member

Åsa Gabrielsson

Åsa has experience as R&D manager and broad knowledge in technology, and specifically in battery technology. Today she holds the position as Vice President R&D at Epiroc.

Path 14

Contattaci oggi

Ti interessa la transizione verso soluzioni energetiche sostenibili?
Vuoi saperne di più su batterie, caricatori o convertitori di potenza?
Il nostro team dedicato di esperti è pronto ad assisterti.