Micropower Group AB

Gullhallavägen 20C
352 50 Växjö

+46(0) 470 72 74 00


Micropower Support Center

Micropower's battery factory is getting more attention

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Växjö municipality's building committee has nominated Micropower as one of three candidates competing for this year's building award in Växjö. The award is given to a project with good architecture that has been adapted well to the site on which it has been built.
Micropower battery factory Öjaby
In 2020, Micropower's batter factory on Nylandavägen was completed and in 2021 was nominated for the wooden construction award.
In the modern and functional premises, wood has been allowed to take its place and the material permeates both interior and exterior. The surrounding outdoor environment is designed to promote biological diversity. For the modern industry where people should be able to meet at the same time. The building radiates what Småland stands for – simplicity, entrepreneurship and a sense of design.
Now it is once again noticed.
From the jury's reasoning "You feel both welcome and valuable in this environment. Large-scale volumes are difficult to manage, but here it is done in a way that is attractive and for more companies to follow
Read more about the nomination on Växjö Municipality's press release

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