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The next generation of industrial battery chargers from Micropower Group is here. The first members of the new Micropower SC range of battery chargers, the SC8 and SC13 are launched today.
Press Release Product News Battery Charger
Micropower SC Charger
Micropower Group’s new generation of battery chargers, the easy to use and GET connected Micropower SC range, sets a new standard for industrial battery chargers from Micropower.

First two of the battery chargers in the Micropower SC range, SC8-LI-CAN and SC13-LI-CAN are equipped with CAN Bus interface, compatible with Micropower’s GET fleet management system and features a user-friendly solution for fast mounting and connection of cables.

On the front cover, a LED panel shows state of charge, making it intuitive and easy to use for operators. The Micropower SC series are aimed for tractionary battery charging applications and can be used for both Lithium ion battery charging (SC8-LI, SC8-LI-CAN, SC13-LI, SC13-LI-CAN) as well as charging of Lead acid batteries (SC8 and SC13).

“The Micropower SC range represents the first generation of new Micropower chargers that has been equipped with cloud connectivity as standard. We are very excited to launch the new Micropower SC range today and we are also proud of introducing the new Micropower industrial design which will make our products stand out with a professional look and easy to use.” says Torbjörn Gustafsson, CEO of Micropower Group.

The Micropower SC8 800W 24V/30A and SC13 1300W 24V/45A battery chargers are announced as of today. Both Micropower SC8 and SC13 are available for orders 1st of March, first deliveries 1st of April.

The complete range of the new Micropower SC industrial battery chargers will eventually cover the power range from 800-3200W. The Micropower SC range can be combined with Micropower’s modular Lithium ion BRIX batteries and software solutions such as GET fleet management system, to create a complete battery system solution.

For more information regarding the next generation of battery chargers from Micropower Group and the Micropower SC range, contact your local distributor or send an e-mail to sales@micropower.se.

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