Micropower Group AB

Gullhallavägen 20C
352 50 Växjö

+46(0) 470 72 74 00


Micropower Support Center

Commitment to Excellence: Building Success Through Dedication

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In a video series, we present our core values that defines us from the perspective of our employees.
Employee portrait
In our pursuit of future success, our company's core values - Dedication, Sincerity, Presence, and Responsibility - are paramount. These values not only shape our culture but also serve as catalysts for achieving our mission; making electrification of the industry a reality.

Dedication ensures that we consistently deliver excellence to our customers, stakeholders and each other, driving momentum and overcoming obstacles together.

Our belief is that there is always a better way. At Micropower, we are driven by harnessing our inherent brilliance for continuous development. This entails embracing challenges and striving for excellence. We aim high and think innovatively. 

We appreciate and leverage each other's differences and wisdom through curiosity and a genuine desire to understand others' perspectives. 

We have a shared and clear vision. Our decisions and choices are always well-founded, thoughtful, and purpose-driven. 

We are one. Together, we possess diverse experiences, competencies, talents, and skills that collectively ensure optimal quality.

Meet Andreas Olsson, production leader in our charger production, as he defines what Dedication means for us at Micropower. 

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