Micropower freut sich auf die Meisterschaft und wünscht allen Teilnehmern viel Glück bei der Ausgabe 2022.

Vom 25. bis 27. Februar findet die schwedische Leichtathletik-Hallenmeisterschaft in der Telekonsult Arena in Växjö statt.
ELLEGO and Micropower Group has worked together for more than 20 years, naturally utilizing the strengths of a common Finnish engineering background a...
Welcome back to watch the final video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower.
Welcome back to watch the third video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower in a series of videos that wi...
Welcome back to watch the second video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower in a series of videos that w...