- We like wood and we have always done that. It is a sustainable choice, and we are both happy and proud of the nomination, says Johannes Debus, architect responsible for Micropower's factory.
One of Arkitektbolaget's projects has been to design Micropower's new premises, the battery factory, which is in the forefront of the development of new green battery technology. The motivation emphasizes that the wood construction technology has been used to manifest the green technology that is produced.
- It has been important for us to create more than just a factory - this is a milestone for us as a company, says Torbjörn Gustafsson, CEO of Micropower Group.
In the modern and functional premises, the wood has taken its place and the material permeates both the interior and the exterior. The surrounding outdoor environment is designed to promote biodiversity.
- This is where we develop and build the Lithium-ion batteries and energy solutions of the future for the industry.
Both Arkitektbolaget and Micropower emphasize that the “Småländska” way is something that permeated the work (Småland is a region in Sweden where Växjö is located).
- We are entrepreneurs, and we also want to convey this with our workplace. “Småland” for us is to safeguard the long-term and uncomplicated, to find new solutions to problems. As a company, we would not have existed without the challenge of the energy supply of the future. Thanks to the collaboration with Arkitektbolaget, we have been able to build a factory that reflects all this, and it is something we can be proud of. At the same time as it is a factory, it is also a workplace for employees to thrive in, says Torbjörn Gustafsson.
- This is something we have created together, and it has been a fantastic job, Micropower has been responsive and open with their wishes. The challenge has been to create the right tone, to design a functional factory for modern industry where people can meet at the same time. The building exudes what Småland stands for - simplicity, entrepreneurship and a sense of design. Together we have managed to create something unique, says Johannes Debus.